Louis Vuitton Cup Rounds Robin 2013: Luna Rossa chasing Emirates Team New
Zealand. Artemis Racing was not able to race yet, while Oracle Team USA is
practicing in the background. Photo:©2013 ACEA/Abner Kingman |
Louis Vuitton Cup Rounds Robin 2013
The three challengers candidates, Emirates Team New Zealand,
Luna Rossa Challenge, and Artemis Racing were scheduled to race in five rounds
robin, 10 races per boat, 15 races total. Artemis Racing was unable to
launch their boat and be ready to race in time to take part in the Rounds Robin.
The challengers were unable to agree on a new schedule to take the absence of
Artemis into account. In races where Artemis was scheduled but unable to
start, per the Racing Rules their opponent was required to start and sail the
course in order to collect points. The rules were modified during the RR
to allow race officials to disqualify a non-starting boat after a short period
of time, relieving the opponent of the need to sail the entire course after
As a result, there were four head-to-head races during the
RR's, all ETNZ vs. Luna Rossa. ETNZ won all four of those races, though
Luna Rossa improved significantly, and the teams would meet again in the
Louis Vuitton Cup Final.
Where to Watch:
Replays and Highlight Online:
America's Cup
YouTube Channel |
Scroll down or click link to jump to Daily
Round Robin 1: July 7 (Race 1) NZL/ITA |
July 9 (Race 2) NZL/SWE | July 11 (Race
Round Robin 2: July 13 (Race 4) NZL/ITA |
July 14 (Race 5) NZL/SWE | July 16 (Race
Round Robin 3: July 18 (Race 7) NZL/SWE |
July 20 (Race 8) ITA/SWE | July 21 (Race
Round Robin 4: July 23 (Race 10) NZL/ITA |
July 25 (Race 11) ITA/SWE | July 27
(Race 12) NZL/SWE
Round Robin 5: July 28 (Race 13) NZL/ITA |
Races 14 and 15 were not sailed |
Saturday, July 27 Race Day 12 |

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
ETNZ Wins Unopposed Saturday
(July 27) Emirates Team New Zealand
sailed Saturday's Round Robin race unopposed, with Artemis Racing now on the
water but still testing and tuning. The Race also marked the end of Round
Robin 4, with one round left before the Semi-Finals begin.
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Thursday, July 25 Race Day 11 |

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Luna Rossa Adds Point Thursday
(July 25) Italy's Luna Rossa sailed an unopposed race today,
with scheduled opponent Artemis Racing not starting and disqualified by the
umpires 10 minutes after the gun. ITA broke part of their rudder during
the race and will use an older spare for about one week while repairs are made.
Artemis had their new AC72 yacht on the water again today after taking its first
sail yesterday, but the team isn't expected to race until the Louis Vuitton Cup
Semi-Finals begin next month.
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Tuesday, July 23 Race Day 10 |

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Abner Kingman
ETNZ Wins Again Tuesday
(July 23) Luna Rossa couldn't keep
pace with Emirates Team New Zealand on the race course Tuesday in Round Robin 4
of the Louis Vuitton Cup. LR started slow, ETNZ lead around the course and
now stands 3-0 against the Italians in actual racing, 7 points to 3 points in
the standings. Replay coverage is on the America's
Cup YouTube channel.
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Sunday, July 21 Race Day 9 |
ETNZ Wins Closer Race Against Luna
(July 21) Italy's Luna Rossa
improved their showing Sunday, keeping much closer to a strong looking Kiwi team
that performed well even after cutting away their damaged headsail, cutting the
final delta to 2:19, but with the win Emirates Team New Zealand likely has now
clinched the top spot in the standings of the Louis Vuitton Cup Rounds Robin.
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Saturday, July 20 Race Day 8 |
Luna Rossa Scores
Third Point
(July 20) Italy's Luna Rossa added
another point to their Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robin total Saturday, sailing
unopposed by scheduled competition Artemis Racing.
standings are led by ETNZ (5 points), and then Luna Rossa (3 points), with
the two expected to race each other Sunday.

Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat. Spectators race each other via remote
control in the America's Cup park.
Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
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Thursday, July 18 Race Day 7 |
ETNZ Notches 50
MPH On Race Course
(July 18) Emirates Team New Zealand
sailed Race 1 of the third Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robin Thursday, unopposed by
scheduled opponent Artemis Racing. On the first leg, ETNZ recorded the
first official speeds over 50mph/80 kph in a Louis Vuitton Cup race. ETNZ
still wins one point for their troubles, and will return to action against Luna
Rossa on Sunday.
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Tuesday, July 16 Race Day 6 |
Luna Rossa Wins
(July 16) Luna Rossa Challenge
(ITA) was on the schedule against Artemis Challenge (SWE) in today's Round Robin
2 match, but the Swedish team again was unable to start while they are working
to launch their new AC72 yacht. Luna Rossa was required to sail the course
to earn her point for today.
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Sunday, July 14 Race Day 5 |
ETNZ Adds Another Point Sunday
(July 14) Emirates Team New Zealand sailed the
course Sunday, unopposed by Artemis Racing who is still preparing their new AC72
yacht. ETNZ adds another point to their Round Robin total, now leading
Luna Rossa 4-1. Luna Rossa should pick up a point on Tuesday, when they
were originally to face Artemis.
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Saturday, July 13 Race Day 4 |
Photo:©2013 ACEA/Abner Kingman
Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robin 2 - Race 1:
ETNZ vs. Luna Rossa

Black streak: ETNZ speeding to victory in Race 1.
Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles
Program: One Match Race, start expected 12:15
pm PT.
Conditions: Winds reported WSW 17-18 kts on
course at race time. Tides: Low at 9:10 am, High at 4:10 pm mean strong
flood tide for racing.
Race 1:
Complete. Race underway at 12:15. Dean Barker on ETNZ boxes out
Chris Draper and Luna Rossa, holding them deep in the starting box and away from
the line at the gun. ETNZ heads for the line late, with a good jump on LR,
and rounds Mark 1 eight seconds ahead. On the first downwind leg, they
trade gybes, sailing in the mid 30-knot range, ETNZ getting the better
eventually, and extending to a 29-second lead at the downwind gate. Both
boats turn left, and head offshore to start the first upwind leg.
ETNZ stretching to about 500m lead halfway up.
Coming to the top, they cross to inshore, shallower water, fighting a weaker
current there, boatspeeds in the low-to-mid 20's. ETNZ reaches the
starboard layline and tacks for the windward gate, heading for the lefthand mark
and a bearaway onto the second downwind leg. They've continued to pull
away from the Italians, and the delta has more than doubled to 2:02.
Luna Rossa chasing downwind, both boats inshore. ITA cuts it too close and
gets a boundary penalty.
ETNZ rounds the bottom gate, taking the
lefthand again, but struggles a bit with the daggerboard. Upwind/downwind
cross with LR ducking. LR heads right, inshore, but 2:47 behind on the
second upwind. ETNZ rounds, well ahead, and gets back up on her foils
going downwind. Huge delta of 4:04 as ETNZ gybes for the final downwind
mark and heads for the finish. ETNZ wins the first head-to-head AC72
match! Luna Rossa crosses the line 5:23 behind, unofficially, and DNF (Did
Not Finish) officially.
Per the
Racing Rules of
Sailing for the America's Cup, the Principal Race Officer terminates a match
race five minutes after the first boat finishes (Rule 35.1).
Emirates Team New Zealand meets Luna Rossa Challenge in the first official
race action action between AC72's to ever take place. Once upon a time the
AC72's were supposed to debut last summer in San Francisco, but the teams pushed
for longer deadlines and more time to design and develop the boats.
America's Cup fans have been watching the big cats foiling, flying gybing, and
looking faster and faster, but they have never raced in earnest until today.

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget
Preview (continued):
Conventional wisdom says ETNZ has been sailing longer, and has built not
only a second boat, but designed and built Luna Rossa's boat, too. But LR
has been out on the water themselves, developing their own trick bits, and a
boat not much different than ETNZ's might be viewed as a positive in the
matchup. A strong flood current could reward the right race strategies.
Who has the crewwork? Who has the speed?
What are the tactics? Will they engage each other or sprint to the buoys?
Dial-up, timed start, or something else at the gun? Many people have
ideas. There have been plenty of experts talking about a boat race they've
never seen, but everyone will start learning today what AC72 racing is actually
like. This moment has been building for almost three years. 72-foot
wingsail foiling cats, some of the highest-tech and flat out fastest boats for
these conditions on the planet, kick off real racing for the Louis Vuitton Cup
today. Let's Regatta!
Where to watch:
America's Cup Channel (Replay)
Animated: Virtual
Also: Note that racing will not be broadcast live on television in the USA until
next month.
Read more
Television/Internet information
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Thursday, July 11 Race Day 3 |
Photo:©2013 ACEA/Abner Kingman
Luna Rossa Completes Race 3
(July 11) Italian Challenger Luna Rossa sailed
the course alone today to collect their first points of the 2013 Louis Vuitton
Cup. Saturday should see them meet Emirates Team New Zealand for the first
head-to-head AC72 race.
Read Press
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Tuesday, July 9 Race Day 2 |
ETNZ Completes Course for Race 2
(July 9) Emirates Team New Zealand went
unchallenged again today on the race course. Their scheduled opponent,
Artemis Racing, is still weeks away from having their yacht prepared to compete.
Though Artemis is scored as Did Not Start (DNS), ETNZ still had to go out and
complete the course themselves in order to earn points toward the Louis Vuitton
Cup standings, which the Kiwi team did Tuesday afternoon in Race 2 of Round
Robin 1.
Press Release with ETNZ photos
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Sunday, July 7 Race Day 1 |

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Gilles
Emirates Team New Zealand Takes First Points of
Louis Vuitton Cup
(July 7) From ACEA: "Recording speeds
previously unheard of in America’s Cup racing, Emirates Team New Zealand today
scored the first point in the Louis Vuitton Cup, the America’s Cup Challenger
Series, when it completed the 16-nautical-mile course in 46 minutes, 27
Press Release

Photo:©2013 ACEA/Abner Kingman |
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