America's Cup / Louis Vuitton Cup 2013:
Television and Internet Schedule

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How to Watch the America's Cup and Louis Vuitton Cup on TV and Internet

Racing on TV and Internet


Live streaming depending on country during the races on the America's Cup YouTube Channel.
Racing that is on broadcast television will not be shown live in the same territory on the America's Cup YouTube channel.  Live internet coverage is typically restricted on a country-by-country basis when it conflicts with broadcast TV rights, and replays may be delayed until after the television broadcast airs.  Replays and highlights are also available.

Virtual Eye Computer animation is free: (requires free Unity Player install)
Virtual Eye should carry all races live, even those not streamed or televised.  VirtualEye provides detailed live data about the boats, selectable by the viewer.  Previous races may also be replayed.  Watching as an accompaniment to live video is an informative opportunity for high-intensity race fans.

Also follow live statistics via LiveLine LiveStats

Also see the CupExperience Race viewer, with interactive LiveLine-based replays of previous races.

Official Race Chatter:
Race chatter is a system of short messages, some automatic, some from humans, that record events during the racing such as starts, timing, penalties, and course conditions (See abbreviation key).  The stream appears on the screens of the Race Officers and other participants, and is now ported to Twitter for the public to follow: @AmericasCupLIVE

Live audio and virtual spectating is also available through the free America's Cup Official App for  iPhone or Android.  Features vary depending with device.

Emirates Team New Zealand has their own app for iPhone/iPad, with similar content, though more team-centric. Read more at ETNZ Blog

Oracle app from WISeKey

Live Webcams:
St. Francis YC


Broadcast Television:

For the America's Cup and Louis Vuitton Cup 2013:

Note: This page is for the events of 2013.  For 2015 America's Cup World Series coverage Click here

Below are the broadcast partners in various countries and announced coverage for 2013.   Checking the online schedule for your individual country broadcaster may provide additional guidance, and in some cases, streaming video.  Scroll down or click for International Broadcasters

Television coverage will begin with the Louis Vuitton Cup Semi-Finals and Finals, to be shown on NBC Sports Network (NBCSN).  Louis Vuitton Cup TV broadcasts will not be live.  Currently scheduled to air are two days of the LVC Semi-Final, on August 9 and 10, and all races of the LVC Final except one, beginning August 16.  NBCSN is available on cable and satellite, including DISH Network and Direct TV.  To determine availability in your area: Use the NBCSN Channel Finder  Some NBCSN content can also be streamed live by subscribers to their mobile devices and desktops. 

The opening Matches of the America's Cup Match will be shown live on NBC (the main network, not NBCSN), the weekend of September 7th and 8th.  The rest of the Match will be shown live on NBCSN.  See Daily Louis Vuitton Cup and America's Cup Race Schedule

When racing is on television, the YouTube feed will only be streamed on a replay basis.

Louis Vuitton Cup and America's Cup US Television and Internet Schedule:

Date: Event: Coverage:   Via:
LVC Semi-Final
Aug 6-7 Races 1 and 2 1:00 pm PT Live YouTube
Aug 9 Race 3 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 10 Race 4 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 12-15 Races 5-7* 1:15 pm PT Live YouTube
LVC Final
Aug 17 Race 1 and 2 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 18 Race 2 3 and 4 6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 19 Races 3 and 4 3:00pm ET/12:00 pm PT Live ESPN3**
Aug 21 Races 4 and 5 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live ESPN3**
Aug 23 Race 6 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live ESPN3**
Aug 24 Races 7 and 8 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 25 Races 8 and 9* 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 26 Race 10* TBA    
Aug 28 Races 11* and 12* 5:00 pm ET/2:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
Aug 30 Race 13* 5:00 pm ET/2:00 pm PT Delayed NBCSN
America's Cup
Sep 7 Races 1 and 2 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBC
Sep 8 Races 3 and 4 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBC
Sep 10 Race 5 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 12 Races 6 and 7 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 14 Race 8 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 15 Races 9 and 10 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 17 Races 11 and 12 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 19 Race 12 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 20 Race 13 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 21 Postponed 3:30 pm ET/12:30 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 22 Race 14 and 15 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 23 Race 16 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 24 Race 17 and 18 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBCSN
Sep 25 Race 19 4:00 pm ET/1:00 pm PT Live NBCSN
  *Races if needed. Additional Races will be held until a winner is decided.  See Regatta Calendar and LVC Format for more    

**ESPN3 is an online streaming service, free for customers of major cable/broadband television providers but requiring registration and log-in to view.

Locally in San Francisco, racing will be shown live on NBC affiliate KNTV, except LVC Semi-Final Race 4 which will be shown on 11.2 (also know as COZI TV), Comcast channel 186.

Highlights packages and replays may be available in some markets on Comcast SportsNet or other providers, either as scheduled programming or on-demand.  Also see "America's Cup Discovered" below.

International Broadcasters:

Coverage on Canal+ and +Sport.  Programming begins August 6 on Canal+.  See Canal+ online guide

Mediaset was previously reported to be the broadcast partner.

New Zealand:
TVNZ is the broadcast partner.  Saturday and Sunday Aug 10 and 11 show live coverage at 0800 in NZ on TV One.  Highlights are listed for other race days.  See TVNZ Guide  Also see TVNZ Video page for AC/LVC

Fox Sports is the broadcast partner.  See Fox Sports Australia guide

SportsNet One is the broadcast partner.  See SportsNet and RDS schedules.

ServusTV is the broadcast partner.

TVE is the broadcast partner.

For more broadcast details and more countries, see America's
Some broadcast information is difficult to verify outside the intended country or without subscribing.  If you have any updates or corrections to this list, please let us know.

    Last updated August 5, 2013

A US broadcasting deal for the 2013 Louis Vuitton Cup and the 2013 America's Cup Match was announced in March 2012, plus coverage in 2012 of three America's Cup World Series events.  This broadcast agreement joins other coverage in place for at least 30 other countries.

The television broadcast is a high priority for organizers, who have contracted with technical providers for an extensive suite of production equipment to generate the broadcast programs, using with High Definition video streams from onboard the AC45 catamarans, the aerial cameras, and chase boat feeds, plus full quality sound from 14 onboard microphones.  A small city of air-conditioned containers with a staff of over 100 people is needed, moving from city to city as the regattas rotate around the world.  The "LiveLine" augmented reality (AR) system, another innovation from wizard Stan Honey, overlays graphics on live video to show leads, race course, speed, distance, and other information on the live video.  The Race Officers are also tapped into the AR system to set course boundaries and enforce penalties, which can be shown live on television screens, too.

The production suite that ACEA is using is also capable of streaming four separate online video feeds at once, allowing fans to watch their choice of races, when they run simultaneously, or, even better select their choice of different perspectives and presentations within a single race.  The A and B feeds have minimal announcer commentary, giving fans the chance to soak in the experience onboard before, during, and after the races.  The debriefing conversations are especially illuminating. 

Dedicated cameramen as well as remote-controlled cameras will be onboard the AC72 yachts, and the promise of an immersive race experience for America's Cup fans is being fulfilled, breaking with the tendency over the last several cup cycles to rely heavily on long-distance helicopter shots that tend to diminish the sense of speed and effort.

For the first two regattas, this included: Sporting Commentary: for a general audience; Sailing Commentary: expert technical race call; Feed A: direct video from onboard; Feed B: additional direct video from onboard; LiveLine: Race Graphics System.  Starting in San Diego, the four feeds were English-language, French-language, Onboard Cameras, and Liveline.

Feature Stories and News Magazine: "America's Cup Discovered"


Photo:�2011 Guilain Grenier/Oracle Racing

Watch "America's Cup Discovered" Weekly Video Magazine at the America's Cup YouTube Channel:  
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
ACEA is also producing a weekly magazine show titled "America's Cup Discovered" that will be made available in most countries.
"America's Cup Discovered" Broadcasters by Country:

USA:   Comcast SportsNet ("Discovered" has aired on the local SF and other various regional SportsNet channels, with an inconsistent schedule)
UK:   BSkyB
South America:   ESPN Sur
Spain:   Mediaset
Portugal:   TVI
Hong Kong:   PCCB
New Zealand:   TVNZ

South Africa:






Note that the weekly show was originally named "America's Cup Uncovered" before being changed to "America's Cup Discovered" and that former title may sometimes appear in listings.  Also look for "America's Cup Uncut" with interviews with crew and shore team members and related in-depth reporting.

Read America's Cup Uncovered Press Release

Additional Links and Info:

Visit Official America's Cup website

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