Louis Vuitton Pacific Series: Auckland

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Weather Outlook for Round Robin 1 - Feb 2 - RepCast #2

Auckland, February 2, 2009  - See previous RepCast Jan 30 - See Latest

Windspotting, 110 feet up.  Photo: ©2009 Gilles Martin-Raget


CupInfo is pleased to bring you the RepCast near-range weather outlook for the Louis Vuitton Race courses through Round Robin 1.  If you appreciated RepCast's expertise regarding the conditions off of Auckland during the 2003 America's Cup, you'll enjoy this Louis Vuitton Pacific Series weather outlook.

Monday 2nd February 2009:
After Sunday's late afternoon increase in wind velocity, Monday dawns with some cloud overhead.  The mercury will peak around 23 degrees C out there on the Waitemata with the wind from the SSW at about 12-18 knots.  I'm picking around 11am you'll see the direction begin to change over to due East. At about 12-16 knots, it will start to freshen to over 25 knots by the sunset.  If the wind builds in the earlier part of the afternoon (before 2pm) then when the tide turns around this time you'll see the energy start to build in the waves, as the outgoing tide is against the building easterly -- waves up to a meter although it will begin around 3pm.  The sea state will build on Monday evening so anyone out for a sunset sail better be ready for some choppy waves.

Tuesday 3rd February 2009:
Clearing overhead conditions bring sunshine and a high of 23-24 C out on the water.  Those waves built up from last evening will still be around although they will ease.  Again the wind will sliding in from the easterly quarter, initially ENE but gradually moving to due East.  Wind speed?  About 23-25 knots in the morning but will ease a couple of notches to 16-19 knots and moving to ENE.  Seas will be easing but expect about 2-foot waves.

Wednesday 4th February 2009:
Rest Day scheduled I think.  But it will be shift E/ESE about 11-13 knots with some cloud -- about 22 degrees.

Thursday 5th February 2009:
Wind against from eastern quarter, it will ESE about 18-22 knots gusting 25 knots and the high of the week around 24 degrees.  About 2-foot waves, high tide about 4:30pm so it could be a factor @ start times.  After lunch the wind will ease a bit to about 13-16 knots although it will be fickle and freshening a bit mid afternoon.

Friday 6th February 2009 -- Waitangi Day National Holiday:
Clear 21 degrees although the Repcast is saying about 12 knots only -- again from the East but the sea breeze could build with the warm conditions -- high tide about 5:40pm.


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