Shosholoza Warmly Welcomed in Naples
Naples, June 2, 2008
Shosholoza RSA-83 against the backdrop of the Naples skyline. (click
image to enlarge)
Photo: ©2008 Di Meek
Shosholoza wowed the city of
Naples, Italy, yesterday (1 June 2008) when she captivated holiday crowds
with a virtuoso display of speed, technology and African exuberance as the
celebrity guest entry of a 200-boat fleet competing in the city's annual
nautical festival.
It was an impressive spectacle
for the thousands of people lining the promenade as the huge 24-meter South
African America's Cup Class yacht towered over the fleet in the pre-race sail
past held in Gulf of Naples that is hemmed by a steep cityscape of ancient
castles and palaces, the volcanic Mount Vesuvius and the romantic isle of
Yachts jostled to stay close to
Shosholoza RSA 83 but within seconds of the start she had left the fleet far
in her wake to create her own race on the 13 nautical mile coastal course
featuring famous land marks and take the finish gun in an hour and 27 minutes.
Although an exhibition race it
was a poignant moment for Shosholoza helmsman Paolo Cian and team managing
director Captain Salvatore Sarno who are both celebrities in this historic
Italian port city. Cian, himself a Neapolitan, is a national sailing hero
currently ranked third on the world match racing leader board.
Captain Sarno and Paulo Cian.
Photo: ©2008
Di Meek
Captain Sarno grew up in a
nearby village and is famous as the founder of the South African campaign that
evoked so much passion at the 2007 Americas Cup. He is also applauded for Shosholoza's development wing –– the Izivunguvungu MSC Foundation for Youth
which was also represented in Naples at the weekend.
"It was incredible to be part of
the Naples Velalonga. Everyone was very excited, very happy to see and touch
Shosholoza. They want us to come back next year," said Sarno.
"It was an important opportunity
to continue our campaign. To show the Italians our African dream and a piece
of South Africa, especially with our current problems at home which have been
televised so much here in Europe. We want people to know us at close quarters
and to invite them to come to South Africa without any fear, both now, and in
2010 to watch the Soccer World Cup," said Sarno, who as a resident of 20 years
has adopted South Africa as his own.
Paolo Cian said sailing
Shosholoza in the Naples Velalonga was the greatest feeling. "This is the
place where I started sailing as an eight year old on a tiny Optimist and
today I was on a rocket ship, right here in my sea with my team. It was just
Shosholoza sailors were stopped
in the city streets for autographs and mobbed by young sailors at the Lega
Navale, a non-profit corporation that organizes the annual event in
conjunction with the Italian Navy.
At times there were over a 100
people an hour visiting yacht Shosholoza at her mooring in the Lega Navale,
eager to talk to the crew, climb on board and be photographed.
"I like very much the meaning of
Shosholoza. For us it is a symbol that we in Naples can aspire to. Like
Shosholoza we can be inspired to work together, move forward together and grow
together," said Rafaela Montella, a Neapolitan fan.
Shosholoza Team in Naples.
(click image to enlarge)
Photo: ©2008 Di Meek |
Charles Nankin, who crewed for
Shosholoza in the 2007 Americas Cup said it was a fantastic feeling being back
with the team especially as it was exactly a year since the campaign had ended
in Valencia, Spain.
"We don't know what the future
of the Americas Cup holds for us right now but who knows this might be the
start of new things," said Nankin.
Izivunguvungu MSC Foundation for
Youth coach Kader Williams said the six students from Simonstown in the Cape
were warmly welcomed. The Lega Navale had gone out of their way to integrate
them with young Neapolitans as well as show them cultural and historical sites
like Pompeii and ensure keen competition on the water.
The Izivunguvungu sailors took
first and second places at a Tri-Nations event beating Italian and Nigerian
teams to third and fourth places respectively. A second friendly regatta was
held on Monday (2nd June) which was a holiday in Italy to celebrate the
founding of the Republic.
The president of the Lega Nevale,
Rosaria Rosini said the friendship generated by Shosholoza and the important
work done by Captain Sarno for youngsters at the Izivunguvungu Foundation
showed the way for promoting all that was positive in society.
"We have to build for our
future. We can start by creating a spirit of fraternity among all of us, no
matter what our differences are," said President Rosini.
Team Shosholoza was proudly sporting the
branding of their new sponsors MSC Crociere and Breil Milano at the Naples