America's Cup: Act 13 Day 2

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Day 2 Start Photo: ©2007 CupInfo

Day 2 Race Report - Race 3
April 4, 2007

10 minutes to the gun, the course is set for 2.6 miles on 220 degrees, so a 15 degree left shift compared to beginning of 1st race. 12 knots wind and the sea is relatively flat despite a short chop. Squalls coming from the left.

One minute before the gun, the Germans are stuck in irons at the committee boat, while Desafío comes on port at pin end, towards the rest of the fleet.  ESP-97 is forced to tack and ends up a bit early on the line, with the best start for Mascalzone towards the right side, followed by the Germans who recovered very well in the end of the starting sequence.  Alinghi once again starts in the back of the pack, and goes up the leg neck-and-neck with Areva.

"15 degrees shift in puffs," calls Andy Green on the official radio.  It's Mascalzone crossing on port in front of UITG, with ETNZ failing to do the same over Victory challenge in the center of the pack.

On LiveSailing, Oracle makes its way in the lead in the center of the course, and then it's Mascalzone, leveraging a short right shift. A pack of five is grouped in the center, on a long drag race to the starboard layline, with a bit of a separation with Mascalzone and UITG who pushed VERY hard towards the right since the start.

Wind is hitting 20 knots on the course as two groups converse towards the mark.  The leading group Alinghi, Mascalzone and Oracle rounds the top mark as a mast falls !

It's'+39 who lost their brand new mast !  The German seem to retire as well.

The remaining fleet of ten boats make their way on starboard, with symmetrical spinnakers for the most part.

Alinghi increase their lead over Mascalzone, followed by Oracle and Victory Challenge, Luna Rossa, ETNZ, Areva and Shosholoza, with Desafío and China Team, around quite a while behind the leader.

At the leeward mark, Alinghi chooses the left side, as Race Committee calls to rest the next mark.  Mascalzone rounds the left 16 seconds behind, while Oracle (+25s) opts for the right mark. Victory trailing by 41s chooses left), Luna Rossa on the right with ETNZ.

On the way up, gear failure onboard Shosholoza ! Their jib came out of its track and the South Africans lose precious time trying to bring the sail down.  Their starboard flipper is out of the mast, banging on the mainsail !

It's game over Shosholoza as the team retires to Port America's Cup.

On Live Sailing, Alinghi is shown in the lead, with 70m advantage over Mascalzone, both team approaching the starboard layline, with a long way to go to the mark.  Then it's Oracle trailing by 100m, followed by Victory challenge, ETNZ, Areva,  and Luna Rossa.

Approaching on the port layline, BMWO seems to have made a lot of ground, again !

Both boats will be very close on the mark, with... Alinghi tacking ahead and slightly below Oracle ! Seconds of close racing and Oracle has the inside at the mark !  Close downwind duel in the making.

Mascalzone rounds 26 seconds later, followed by Luna Rossa, Victory, Areva, ETNZ and Desafío.

Showing very good downwind angle and leveraging off a right shift, Oracle increase their lead over the pack to 120 meters while Mascalzone converges towards Alinghi.  The Swiss gybe and hang on to their second spot.

A huge left shift hits the fleet as the wind dies under the rain !  All teams manage to keep their spinnakers full for a few seconds, but quickly the jibs are up again, and it's only 300meters to the finish!

Spinnaker pole casualty on BMW Oracle
Photo: ©2007 CupInfo

The fleet is now close hauled and not laying the mark !  And here comes the impossible: BMW Oracle is caught dead in water, blanketed by Luna Rossa, and the Americans get passed by all the boats which were on the left side.

It's Alinghi crossing the line !  Luna Rossa finishes 14 seconds behind, with Desafío shooting for the pin end to catch 3rd place from ETNZ as the spectator fleet cheers for their boys !

Mascalzone is 5th, followed by Victory Challenge and the very much disappointed crew of USA-87, who cross the line 1 minute and 35 seconds after the Swiss...

Race 3 and a big smile for the Alinghi sailors today.

Photo: ©2007 Th.Martinez/Alinghi  

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