America's Cup World Series 2012-2013:
AC45 Yachts in Locations Around the World

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America's Cup World Series 2012-2013 Season

The America's Cup World Series (ACWS) for 2012-2013 consists of several regattas in multiple countries.  As of November, 2011, four locations have been announced, along with preliminary dates for additional regattas.  Also see: ACWS 2011-12 Season

Photo:�2011 Guilain Grenier/Oracle Racing Photo:�2011 Guilain Grenier/Oracle Racing


San Francisco or New York, USA
August 18-26, 2012*
San Francisco, USA
October, 2012*


Potential Locations TBA
2012 or 2013
Venice, Italy
April 13-21, 2013
Naples, Italy
May 11-19, 2013
Read Press Release



Photos(3):�2011 Gilles Martin-Raget/

Aug 18-26, 2012 America's Cup World Series Regatta - San Francisco or New York City, USA City TBD
Oct, 2012* America's Cup World Series Regatta - San Francisco Dates TBC
2012 or 2013* America's Cup World Series Regatta - Location TBD Dates TBC
April 13-21, 2013* America's Cup World Series Regatta - Venice, Italy  
May 11-19, 2013* America's Cup World Series Regatta - Naples, Italy  

* Important Note:  Dates are subject to change by event organizers and competitors.  The August 2012 city location is still being determined.  The October dates in San Francisco are still to be confirmed.  Please confirm all dates before making any travel or business plans.

News stories March 1, 2012, about the USA television coverage of the ACWS referred to potentially different dates for the San Francisco events than previously announced (see below for those dates).   On March 4, 2012, organizers confirmed that New York is being negotiated for August, 2012, with San Francisco as the fall-back, and the second San Francisco event is being moved to October with the exact dates officially to-be-confirmed.  News stories related to the TV broadcast, though, mentioned October 7 as the final day of racing which means that the regatta would also overlap with Fleet Week on the Bay.

Venice was announced Sept 4, 2011.  Dates for this stop were earlier reserved as May 19-27. Read Venice Press Release
Naples was announced September 14, 2011. Read Naples Press Release
San Francisco's original August dates were announced in late October, 2011, before being modified in March, 2012.

As for SF, part of the Host city Agreement for staging the 34th Defense there in 2013 included a promise to bring an ACWS or AC "World Championship" races to the city prior to the actual Defense, which will be helpful as a learning experience for teams and organizers alike, and just as importantly would also be a boost from an economic impact perspective.

For Reference: Previous schedule, now superseded
The 2012-13 America's Cup World Series Regatta dates as they were announced in October 31, 2011 are shown below.
Aug 11-19, 2012 America's Cup World Series Regatta - San Francisco, CA, USA
Aug 27-Sep 2, 2012 America's Cup World Series Regatta - San Francisco, CA, USA
Oct 20-28, 2012 America's Cup World Series Regatta - Dates TBC, Venue TBA
Dec 8-16, 2012 America's Cup World Series Regatta - Dates TBC, Venue TBA

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