Navy Pier was dressing ship on Wednesday, decked out for the Louis Vuitton
America's Cup World Series Chicago this weekend. The entire end of the
3300-foot-long pier serves as the America's Cup Race Village. The
third-story rooftop deck at left is home to multiple VIP areas, while the
extra-height second story hosts yet more VIP hospitality, all overlooking the
race course located to the south (righthand side of the photo). The
ballroom, located under the arched roof, will be the scene of prize-giving and
entertainment for the visitors. The grandstand is located on the far side
of the ballroom.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

Visitors to Navy Pier will enjoy refreshing beverages under the friendly
gaze of the America's Cup skippers.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

The sizable grandstand on the end of Navy Pier neared completion on Wednesday,
as seen in this panoramic image shot from the rooftop level. The race
course is one the righthand side of the image. The finish line will be set
as close to the end of the pier as feasible.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

Thursday morning saw a quiet sunrise over the pier, but predictions for strong
thunderstorms late Thursday night kept the AC45 yachts from being launched for
an open practice. The boat are scheduled to be in the water Friday for
practice racing.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

Skyscraper vs. Skyscraper: Oracle Team USA measuring themselves against the
100-story John Hancock Tower. The building is 1,127 feet (343m) to the
roof/1,509 feet (459m) to the tip of the antenna. The restaurant on the
95th floor offers a good view of the race course. The building at far left
is Lake Point Tower, a 70-story residential building also with a well-situated
top floor restaurant for viewing the race course.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

The AC Endeavour program gave local school children the chance to sail in Hobie
Wave catamarans. In a nod to the city, each boat received a sail decorated
with the colors and logos of Chicago sports teams.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com

The students braved rainy conditions to venture out to the Chicago Lighthouse.
Photo:©2016 CupInfo.com