Emirates Team New Zealand's AC45F on the crane in Portsmouth, providing a good view of
her appendages. The ACWS July 25-26 will mark the debut of standardized
one-design foils in competition for the AC45F Class, the foiling variant of the AC45. Note angled daggerboard (in retracted
position, right of center) and t-rudder (facing camera at center).
Scroll down for close-ups of the parts.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

SoftBank Team Japan's daggerboard seen from outboard looking aft, with foil in retracted position.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Inboard view of daggerboard. Leading edge is painted white. Note the curve in
foil shape from mid-span to trailing edge. Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Image showing upper surface of daggerboard foil.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Artemis shore crew preparing rudders by wet-sanding before mounting.
Intersection of vertical and horizontal foils sports torpedo-shaped fairing to
mitigate cavitation effects, as adapted on Oracle Team USA's AC72 yacht during
the 2013 America's Cup match. Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Groupama Team France inserting rudder stock for mounting. Note elevator (horizontal portion of the T)
in protective covering.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Ready to splash. Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

Close-up of mounted foiling rudder.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles

SoftBank Team Japan's Chris Draper adjusting rig tension.
Photo:©2015 ACEA/Gilles
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World
 Photo:©2013 Chuck Lantz/Sail-World