Golden Gate Yacht C
lub: Press Release

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Golden Gate Files Motion to Enforce Construction Requirements

Valencia, January 13, 2010


Challenger Golden Gate YC has filed a legal motion in the New York Supreme Court regarding the "Constructed in Country" requirement of the America's Cup Deed of Gift.  An initial hearing is scheduled for January 28th in Manhattan.  Aside from what the court might rule, whether they might rule before the planned February 8th race date, along with the impact of an adverse ruling for Alinghi are major unknowns at present.

Read GGYC Statement and Q&A

Read Alinghi Statement

Read the GGYC Memorandum of Law (pdf)

Legal Analysis:
Legal Analyst Cory E. Friedman at Scuttlebutt News: "While GGYC has claimed that Alinghi 5 has several CiC problems, the motion only concerns Alinghi 5’s sails.  GGYC claims that they are 3DL sails constructed by North in Minden, Nevada and, therefore cannot be CiC in Switzerland.  SNG previous response is that sails are not part of the 'vessel,' and that, if they are, they were constructed in Switzerland."
Bizarre Strategy Returns Cup to Court

Read Alinghi Legal Response (Jan 22)

Read GGYC Legal Counter-Response (Jan 27)

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