America's Cup 2013 & Louis
Vuitton Cup:
Regatta Schedule
34th Defense of the America's Cup: Louis Vuitton Cup Schedule (Old)
This is the schedule (now obsolete) for the 2013 Louis Vuitton Cup and America's Cup races in San Francisco, as released by America's Cup Race Management (ACRM) in July, 2011. ACRM has since issued an updated schedule dated August, 2012.
The Challenger Selection Format, Scoring, and Schedule were approved by a majority of the Challengers, as required by the Protocol for the 34th Defense of the America's Cup. The LVC dates shown here begin slightly earlier than in previous discussions, while the America's Cup Match itself remains in line with previous announcements.
July 5-7: Fleet Racing (10 points, 6 points, and 2
points for top three places in each race)
July 17-Aug 4: Match Racing Rounds Robin (RR1: 10 points per win; RR2:
12 points per win)
August 10-18: Semi-Finals, a best-of-seven series.
August 23-September 1: Louis Vuitton Cup Final Match, a best-of-nine
The America's Cup Match begins September 7, a best-of-nine series.
(Note that the calendar from ACRM used below begins the week on Saturday, not Sunday)
Additional Links and Info:
2013 America's And Louis Vuitton Format and Scoring Announced (Press Release)
Visit Official
America's Cup website
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